The absolutely true adventures of Max and Gus – The blind, geriatric, incontinent little bastards – Part 2

Read more about the article The absolutely true adventures of Max and Gus – The blind, geriatric, incontinent little bastards – Part 2
Working on the computer - HELPING!

I never dreamed that extending a limb in bed to connect with a cold log of cat poo was something I would get used to, but in the small hours of this morning when I did exactly that, my first thought was no longer "Holy crap get me the #$%* out of here!" I had been lying on one side of the bed facing that side, and for whatever reason the little bastards like to sleep only the way you are facing. So they, and Max's little presents, were contained to a small part at the edge of the bed. I'm not proud of this, but it was BLOODY cold this morning, this 'special gift' occurred in the very small hours and I thought, "Maybe I can snooze a couple of more hours on the WHOLE other side of the bed that remains poo free?"

Continue ReadingThe absolutely true adventures of Max and Gus – The blind, geriatric, incontinent little bastards – Part 2

The absolutely true adventures of Max and Gus – The blind, geriatric, incontinent little bastards – Part 1

Read more about the article The absolutely true adventures of Max and Gus – The blind, geriatric, incontinent little bastards – Part 1
Max & Gus sausage roll

It all seemed to be going fine. Everyone was in and SEEMED to be settling down, when all of a sudden it was ON! Apparently this was the time for an all out, under the covers brawl, with some signature screeches before one of these tiny panthers decided to clamp his teeth down on my boob and just not let go. Hmmmmmmmm. I'm not sure how many of you have seen a cat's fangs clamped down on your boob, or anything that close to your face before, but their vicious fangs are as big as skyscrapers, and as creepy as Freddy Kruger's glove.

Continue ReadingThe absolutely true adventures of Max and Gus – The blind, geriatric, incontinent little bastards – Part 1