Pondering death and what it all means

Pondering death and what it all means
Photo by Anton Darius on Upsplash

I don’t know why, but for the past couple of weeks I have been thinking about writing this article pondering death.  I think it is the flippancy around COVID19 deaths bandied around by some leaders in the media but for whatever reason it has been niggling away. This can be a traumatic subject, so please take care when reading.

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Bali bike-smash bonanza!

Bali bike-smash bonanza!
A taste of my face injuries a few days after the smash

But it was when I glanced over to the mirror on the wall to my right, I saw where the real damage was.  There was a huge, deep hole in my right elbow. “Hmmmmmmmmm, a bandaid is not going to fix that,” I thought.

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